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Re: NAT with IP != primary external IP

On Sat, Oct 23, 2004 at 12:15:21PM +0100, Aled Treharne wrote:
 > Hi guys.
 > I'm trying to set up a firewall on a box for a friend. The arrangement is
 > fairly simple, bunch of machines behind the FBSD box, FBSD box connected to
 > ADSL. What I'd like to do (because I wanted to in the first place, and now
 > it's annoying me) is to have 2 Ips on the external i/f on the FBSD box, and
 > have one as the machine's primary IP and t'other solely as the NAT IP. I've
 > tried putting various Ips in the places that make sense to me, but I just
 > couldn't get it to work[1].

AFAIK, pf maintains a table for $interface and ($interface)
is stored in a <table>. If interface $interface has aliases,
round-robin through them would be performed automatically by pf.

If you want to disable the automatic round-robin in NAT
you should let pf not to do so.
For instance:

nat on $interface inet from $internal_ips to any -> ($interface:0)
nat on $interface inet from $internal_ips to any -> $interface:0
or specify explicit IP address to use
nat on $interface inet from $internal_ips to any -> $primary_ip

 > Is this possible, and if so, would someone be so kind as to tell me how? I'm
 > trying to move over to pf from ipfw, and if I can get it working, I've got a
 > strong case for using it at work as well. 
 > Thanks in advance for your sage advice. :)
 > Cheers,
 > Aled.
 > [1] This is just one place where I prefer linux's eth0:alias1 type labelling
 > of sub-interfaces over FreeBSD's just-put-multiple-ips-on-one-interface way.
Pyun YongHyeon
http://www.kr.freebsd.org/~yongari	|	yongari@xxxxxxxxxxx