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Re: Minor issue with port naming

At 12:24 AM -0800 1/23/03, Jim Mock wrote:
On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, at 02:27  PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
So, I wanted to know where to find the port for Pine, so I did 'whereis pine'. It reported:
  pine: /usr/ports/hebrew/pine
Doing a bit more work, I found that it was in mail/pine4. Suggestion: either rename mail/pine4 to mail/pine or rename hebrew/pine to hebrew/pine4. Or (and this would take more work) make whereis search a list where trailing numerals had been stripped.

Use 'make search' in /usr/ports.  I.e.,

   % cd /usr/ports && make search key="pine"

Sweet, thanks! And it's even in the README in /usr/ports, which I have now read...

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