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Why does ls report wrong creation date on symlinks?

I just discovered that "ls -l" reports the creation date incorrectly
on symlinks.  It reports as the creation date of each symlink, the
modification time of its directory.  Thus, if I "touch foo" in some
directory, a subsequent "ls -l" will report the identical creation
time for both foo and all the symlinks in the directory.  Therefore,
"ls -lt" will position all the symlinks at the top.

I created a perl script, using the "stat" function to report all 3
dates, atime, mtime and ctime; it correctly reports those times, in
contradiction to the mtime reported by "ls -l".

I had previously noted that all directories in a MSDOSFS tree carry
as their creation date, the current moment.  Somebody suggested that
this was a capricious choice, in view of the impossibility of
duplicating the creation date which DOS would report.  I wonder
if there is a link between these two bugs.

	Chuck Bacon -- crtb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx