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kernel recompile probs.


I'm trying to recompile the kernel for FreeBSD 2.0 (cdrom install) and
during the compile, I get warnings about DELAY being redifined in the
same scope.  The compile continues though.  Oh, I've tried to compile
GENERIC, GENERICAH and GENERICBT with the ft and pas drivers enabled.
Now, the kernel I get boots, but every time I try to run top or vmstat,
I get a floating point exception and it craps out.  AND, the lpt0 driver
seems to be having fits.  When I try to use either lpr or copy directly
to /dev/lpt0 using the rebuilt kernel, it prints a few characters then
stops for 10 seconds, prints a few more characters, stops, etc.

For what it's worth, the GENERIC kernal that's installed from the CDROM
runs just fine, except I want the pro audio studio sound support.

Any ideas?
