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Re: HP ljII Example Needed for 2.0gi FAQ

> Or someone could write it for the entire *BSD family (this should be
> common) and send it to me to add to the section on printing questions.
> In fact, check the *BSD FAQ and see what needs to be changed in there
> and send me updates.  I will *try* to get to them before I leave for
> school.

Well, I support the *BSD FAQ in spirit, but in body I think it's
getting just a little too bloated to be useful! :-( I rarely ftp it
simply due to its sheer size and the fact that I know I'm going to
have to wade through reams of stuff, much of it still there for
hysterical raisins only, and the idea of a small collection of files
with very descriptive names (slip-setup.FAQ, printer-setup.FAQ, etc)
and some sort of overall meta-FAQ written in SGML with pointers to
these guys strikes me as the way forward.  That's what we're currently
working out, anyway!
