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Re: JDK 1.1.5: Ready, set, go!

> Since what you release is a set of patches, what we would do is import the
> 1.1.5 JDK source into the CVS hierarchy, and when we get ready to do a

On a vendor branch.

> release, do a "cvs diff -R" from the root directory specifying the
> differences between the current base and the imported code.  Shouldn't be a
> problem.  That way when one of the developers has the CVS tree checked out
> they should be able to test the committed changes by recompiling.  The
> downside is that we couldn't share access to the CVS tree (including cvsup
> read-only access) with anyone who doesn't abide by the Sun license
> agreements.  Also, when a new JDK comes out (e.g. 1.1.6) we can take the

Again commit the new JDK (e.g. 1.1.6) on the Vendor branch.  Then it
becomes easy to see what changed and where new potential porting problem
may be.

> In particular I'm somewhat concerned about the Sun license agreements cause
> this to be a tricky proposition, 

If you checked "membership" cards at the door, the effort should be safe.
So people would have to prove they've got Sun's OK to the source.  Along
with the time limit of the OK.

> I'm also concerned it may 'taint' the folks here and others involved
> from ever being able to work on Kaffe or other clean room Java efforts.
> Thoughts?

Certainly a concern, but no more than everyone working alone.
Has anyone seen this addressed by Sun?
-- David    (obrien@xxxxxxxx  -or-  obrien@xxxxxxxxxxx)
            James says:  "Grad school sucks."