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Goals for the JDK port

There's been a lot of talk about CVS repository, make files, etc.
There's been one thing I've been curious about. What are the goals of
the port? Perhaps I hopped onto the mailing list a little bit late, but
are we simply porting it or are we going to do anything to help the
runtime performance?

I do a good chunk of Java development and the speed of the ports
convinced me to get a little Windows machine. I wished that wasn't the
case --- not because of OS loyalties but for the sole purpose that I
don't have an editor that didn't suck to work with.

I guess what I'm saying is that this FreeBSD JDK port --- Can we not
make it just another port? Can we do something to it that says, "Hey,
this isn't just a port. We did some cool stuff and it's fast. It moves.
It totally rocks. And it doesn't suck either." 

Or is this way bigger than this project at this current time?

If God had meant you to get it right the first time, He would not have
put "alter table" into SQL.
	-- Philip Greenspun, "How to be a Web Whore Just Like Me"