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JavaMail is not working on FreeBSD 6 (amd64) using linux-sun-jdk14

I'm trying to port an application currently running FreeBSD 5.3 (i386) using jdk14 to FreeBSD 6 (amd64).

First I tried jdk14, with this result:
hallandsen# make -V IGNORE minimal=YES
"is only for i386," "and you are running amd64"

Then I tried linux-sun-jdk14.
It installed successfully, but there seems to be a problem
sending emails with JavaMail.
1 System.out.println("## New MimeMessage");
2 Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
3 System.out.println("## New MimeMessage passed");

It never reaches line 3, no sign on what's wrong.

Has anyone of you an idea of what to try or am I out of luck ?
