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Re: Can't get 1024x768 in Xfree

Joe Dusio writes:
>I would still like to know:
>       How do I get ot the displays with the other
>       depths?  The <CTL><ALT><+> keystroke moves me
>       between resolutions in a depth, but how do I
>       get the other depths?

I had to ask the news group exactly the same question last month, while
getting Truecolor to work on my system.  The answer is that there is no way to
switch between display depths.

You can use the "-bpp <depth>" option when starting X to choose a depth for
the duration of that server run, but you cannot make the X server switch
between depths, on-the-fly.  The place to make the selection for Xdm (which is
what I use to start a server) is in X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers.  It's not
exactly clear to me where the choice should be specified for a startx user,
perhaps your $HOME/.xserverrc file?

Anyway, I hope this helps.  Enjoy.