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Makefiles again

Java heads, and especially Archie:

Recently, Archie Cobbs of Whistle posted his BSD-styled
whistle.java.mk which could be the starting point for a future
bsd.java.mk.  I've been working on it a bit by adding support for RMI
and JAR files, but I'm starting to think it isn't the right way to go.

Java is a cross-platform language.  Instead of developing BSD-specific
make definitions, maybe it'd be better to do something that's also
cross-platform: GNU make, for example.

I realize that you can build on BSD and just distribute your
classes/jars to anyone at that point, but it'd be really nice to build
anywhere and distribute to anyone.  I encountered this myself when
doing some compiler performance comparisons with Microsoft's
command-line JVC.  I had GNU make on the Windows host, but naturally,
the Makefiles didn't work since they relied on BSD make.

