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Re: Makefiles again

Sean Kelly writes:
> Java heads, and especially Archie:
> Recently, Archie Cobbs of Whistle posted his BSD-styled
> whistle.java.mk which could be the starting point for a future
> bsd.java.mk.  I've been working on it a bit by adding support for RMI
> and JAR files, but I'm starting to think it isn't the right way to go.
> Java is a cross-platform language.  Instead of developing BSD-specific
> make definitions, maybe it'd be better to do something that's also
> cross-platform: GNU make, for example.
> I realize that you can build on BSD and just distribute your
> classes/jars to anyone at that point, but it'd be really nice to build
> anywhere and distribute to anyone.  I encountered this myself when
> doing some compiler performance comparisons with Microsoft's
> command-line JVC.  I had GNU make on the Windows host, but naturally,
> the Makefiles didn't work since they relied on BSD make.

This argument makes sense to me.. especially since adding "gmake" to
a FreeBSD system is very easy (it exists as a port and package) and
in general it's pretty widely available.

[ Hmm... I wonder if it's possible to write a makefile that works with
  both "make" and "gmake" ?? Does their syntax overlap sufficiently
  to check if ${MAKE} != "gmake" then gmake... ? Separate question.. ]

To prove you're serious, convert the existing makefiles and
I'll put them up on the FTP site :-)


Archie Cobbs   *   Whistle Communications, Inc.  *   http://www.whistle.com